Saturday, March 15, 2008

As if you're having all the fun

Greeting adventurers! Writing to you this time from a small island just off the coast of N America. It's called Trinidad and...well...I suppose it's kinda ...surrounded... by N America. None the less, it's been awhile and I'd like to bring you guys and gals up to speed.

We have actually recently done some traveling ourselves to visit some desert springs named Palm. OH YA! Yes, it was time again for the CUE (Computer Using Educators) conference and you just gotta know that the consummate techy that Candy is she needs to be out there pushing the leading edge. Or was she just hanging on and screaming as it blasts through space and time?

I was really there just as the boy toy on Candy's arm. My responsibilities included getting some color on my pasty white legs and feet and to make the dinner reservations. Actually it sounded like the conference content was pretty inspiring and usable. Google has become really really extensive in its offering beyond search engine.

It was Thursday through Saturday and Candy attended meetings in the mornings and we hung by the pool in the afternoons. Temps were mid 80s, dry, and quite wonderful. Now here is where you guys will - seriously - start eating your hearts out. On the way home we stopped at Hadleys and bought date shakes. YAH!. . . . .That's what I'm talk en about.

So....aside from that I've been checking off misc projects so I can start to focus on the boat while Candy barrels through life like Haley's commit on steroids.

The education world in Calif has been completely thrown on its ear. While state revenues have continued to go up, our elected representatives managed to not only spend the increase but also another $13 billion or so.

Fortunately they have a solution. Instead of cutting back on entitlement programs that fund the illegals or others the state has just sent lay off notices to 18,000 teachers and education budgets have been frozen or cut back.

Moms not threatened by this because NMUSD is what's called a "basic aid" district meaning that instead of getting its income from the State on a per pupil basis it gets income from local property taxes. Newport Beach? Are you kidding? While NMUSD is also cutting spending it's sitting pretty fat compared to most others and no lay offs are planned.

Lets other news mom and I are trying complete plan "C or D" with the kitchen cubbord door hinges. I've repainted all the old hinges to match the cabinets with oil base paint and have let them cure. Today my goal is to get the doors back on and install the door pulls. If the lord's willing and the creeks don't rise, by tomorrow I'll be able to post photogs of the finished deal.

On the battery business side, transitions are occurring there also. In about a week Mark is handing over the warehouse to Harris Battery of Ohio. They are the largest Discover battery distributor in the world and very large for Trojan, exide and others also.

They are a family owned partnership and this will be one of about 13 warehouses they operate which means that several layers of well needed infrastructure from administration, customers service, and sales support comes with it.

They are already making some important investments in local infrastructure so after some final meetings next week to talk about "the road ahead" we'll be off and running. I'm quite enthusiastic about this.

Well so much for now..I'd better get to it. I just had you guys on my mind this morning (kinda like most mornings) and figured I owed you an update. See attached pics of the desert named Palm.