Saturday, December 22, 2007

If it's December, it must be a boat parade - Reprise

The weekend of the 15th we joined the usual suspects (Rupperts, Boutilliers) along with Doug & Mo Oudin, on Breyers boat for the Naples boat parade. Another event instantly added to the "Favorites" category.

We met on Carpe Diem for cocktails, snacks, and chit chat before boarding Restless to join the boat parade. Yep....we were participants. I guess the reasoning would be that, if you want a parade to be done correctly....sometimes you just have to do it yourself! What a hoot.

Alamitos Bay has two parades on that same night. The large boat parade (anything that doesn't fit in Naples canal) kinda meanders around the bay while making merry. The whole deal takes about 20 minutes.

We, on the other hand, were part of the small boat parade which tours the Naples Canal. There must have been 50 or 60 smaller boats (including outrigger canoes, deck boats, barges, etc), all decked out with lights and decorations. The "Making Merry" thing was in full swing.

The gathering spot was Marine Stadium and from there through Alamitos Bay and clockwise around Naples Canal. It was very cool.

I've never seen this before (not sure if it's ever been done before) there were spectator boats anchored and rafted up in the bay. The parade snaked its way through the anchored boats and into the canal.

The canal including both sides and all bridges were totally lined with people. Sometimes several layers deep, sometimes on floats, etc.. All the houses and the bulkheads of the canal were decorated with lights. It would be hard to say which view would have been more impressive. To be a spectator watching the boats on parade or being a boat on parade watching the spectators.

For added fun Doug Oudin had brough bags and bags of hard candy which we threw to the crowds as we went by. That was fun all in itself. Watching the eager anticipation in the eyes of the kids followed by the jubilation if they actually were lucky enough to catch the thrown candy.

Following the parade it was back to Carpe Diem for some warmth, spiral sliced ham, and beverages. A good time was had by all.

If it's December, it must be a boat parade

Right next to Summer, and Fall, and any other time when there are parties, the holidays are always my favorite time of year. This year is no exception. While the boys are missing the parties are not.

The Huntington Harbour boat parade took place this year on the weekend of December 8 & 9. It was a smallish turn out for parade participants with about 40 boats on parade. The last few years we've had more like 60 boats.Still it was fun.

As per usual, Rupperts and Vaughans both brought their boat over into the slips next to ours and the party was on. Since they both brought their small boats and we have this new aquatic mansion the party during the parade was pretty much on our boat.

The attendess were Rick & Marsha, Keith (Gloria in NY w Katie, shopping), Mark & Shanna Smith, Jim & Kathy Morley, Johnny Vaughan (EJ was sicko).

Following the parade which came to our channel first this year we adjourned to our house for some warmth, lasagna, and beverages. Very nice group of people and a delightful evening.

Friday, November 30, 2007

Techno Update

Check the new addition to "my links". I've figured out how to publish photogs.

A Different Thanksgiving Recipe

Family has alway been and will always be very important to Candy and me. The awareness becomes more keen during the holidays. We're certain that you know, that we're talking about you Jason, and you Brandon, and also you Kirsten. It's always worth saying that;

We miss you all very much!

OK....That said....We had a great weekend together on the SeaCloud. We packed enough food and drink (well mostly drink) to almost sink the boat but our expectations were high.

We towed the Whaler and left Wednesday morning under somewhat foggy but improving conditions. Initially we had about 2 mi visibility which I was not happy about since we cross two major shipping lanes next to two major shipping ports. Just as I began thinking about pulling the plug on the crossing the visibility became more like 5 plus miles and it was all GO.

The crossing was uneventful and we were assigned mooring B-11 Isthmus Cove. After the end of October there are two changes in the mooring scheme. First they only put a boat on every other mooring. Second they have you pick up the mooring bow out (stern to the mooring can). The concept is that If a surprise North Easter shows up there you can throw a second mooring line on the bow and stern. The harbor was looking good. Aside from company boats I counted 12 other boats in the harbor. Very nice!

Initially Candy and I were planning on a nice turkey dinner for two in the restaurant but then we were invited to the Oudins house for the feast. The attendees were to be Doug and Morene, Keith and Gloria, Paul and Katie, Trevor and Lauren, Troy, and Candy and me. Sounds pretty fun.

Actually alot of the cooking was done by Paul and Trevor. They each cooked a turkey in their own unique style along with some side dishes. Moreen and Lauren kicked in more side dishes. Troy, who is now attending Cal Maritime, I'm told, is a pretty good supervisor.

Our contribution along with Bouts was liquid and between beer, wine, and hard stuff we had about 6 cases to schlep up to Oudins house. No problem! In a last moment stroke of interest in not getting my but kicked by carrying all that stuff up the hill I purchased a new fold able, large wheel, light weigh, large capacity, dock cart. Pretty cool eh?

Candy and I hung close to the boat for most of Wednesday and Thursday and just kicked back. We took a couple of side trips in the Whaler and watched Miracle on 34th Street on Thanksgiving morning courtesy of my Sony Vaio notebook.

Our Thanksgiving dinner was well attended by people that we know well and care about and it was very nice. We ate outside on Oudins patio and overlooked the harbor as the sun set behind the mountains. The food was delicious and I shouldn't have had seconds.

Before dinner my phone rang and we all heard it but I just couldn't get to it in time. It was Jason and I regretted that I didn't have it in my pocket. The next time it rang it was in my pocket and it was Brandon and Kirsten. It was still before dinner and it was a great chat. Everybody was happy to hear from you.

Just before dinner was over the USC v Arizona game had begun and you can bet it was on the TV. The rest of the evening was spent watching the game on and off and catching up with folks. SC won. By the way Oudins have a bottle opener that plays the SC fight song every time it open a bottle.

By the time the evening was over I really felt like I had spent the afternoon with our extended family. It was really all quite pleasant.

Friday was a beautiful sunny day punctuated with a trip with my honey around to the backside of the Island, some eagle watching, and a nice long afternoon nap.

While the nighttime temps were definitely cool the SeaCloud kept us comfortable and Saturday morning we awoke to a day like we all had during Katies wedding. When the sun came up it was like a summer day. So we watched "It's A Wonderful Life" followed by mimosas on the bow which lead to a nice egg scramble ala Candy (more mimosas) and then a cruise to Avalon and back.

The sea was so flat that I opened up the throttle and Cloud Break ran up to 5300 rpm. That's the best that she has ever run and boy did she fly. We even raced a flock of birds that were flying in formation a couple of feet above the water. We won by a nose.

Later in the day Candy met up with a Newport Mesa School Board member who she talks boats with and we went for a late afternoon cruise to Emerald and back. Still very nice flat and warm.

Candy then kept her date with me and we joined the afternoon wine and hourderve session up at the Harbor View Inn. A beautiful view, a beautiful sunset, a full moon, and a very cool date. Also met another nice couple.

Sunday was a much cooler and overcast day and we headed out early around 9:30 am for the crossing home. It was actually a pretty wet trip early on so I just stayed inside. In fact we both stayed inside for the whole trip and I thought it was pretty cool. The boat actually steers better from below.

Aside from some careful course calculating and selecting to avoid one of the dread freighters it was an uneventful crossing.

Later that night Candy and I had tickets to the OC performing arts to see the hit musical Jersey Boys. I was a bit fatigued from the events of the day and hoping I'd have no trouble staying awake. The show is basically the story of the Four Seasons and Frankie Valli. They sang a lot of those cool old songs and I was riveted.

All and all I guess it stacked up to be a pretty good weekend.

In Sickness and in Health for 35 years

Our wedding anniversary came again in November and again on the 18th. It's been happening this way now for 35years.

And so I ask you, where would anybody want to spend their special day? Come on where would you go if you wanted to be really really happy? YES....the happiest place on earth. It turns out that it's right here only a few miles from where we live. The happiest place on earth is different of course but still kinda like the place known as the center of the earth....It's in Ecuador.

It was pretty busy, being the weekend before thanksgiving and all but we had fun. Come to think of it there were alot of guys there with their wives...and young kids. I'm glad they could find a happy place.

We pretty much did all of adventure and frontier lands and our day was over. Some of the lines were pretty long, like 45 minutes or so but they now have a pretty cool work around. You go to a kiosk and insert your park ticket and it gives you ticket with a time of day to come back and go to the front of the line through a different entrance. We used that on the long lines and then stood in the shorter lines.

Disneyland is a remarkable place. So much of it is still just the same as I remember it from when I was 12 yrs old. In some ways, like on the jungle ride, it's the anticipation of listening for the same old joke that we've been hearing for 40+ years. It's also listening and looking to see if anything has changed. There's definitely some of both.

We had a great day and came home a bit tired, but happy. As soon as we got home I set my watch. I'm going to see if our anniversary comes again next year on Nov 18th.

A Kentucky all girl fest

I think the rule is....Once a bunco babe always a bunco babe. Since Susan Robin left California for Kentucky the ol gang just hasn't been the same sooooo if Mohamed can't come to the mountain we take the mountain to Mohamed.

It's all a long way of saying that Candy, Joanne D, Kathy M, Sherry B, and Sandy M visited Susan in October and had a good ol time. A little horse racing which Candy absolutely loved (winning always helps), A little wine tasting (there's a reason that one doesn't hear about Kentucky wines), a little chochky hunting, all tied together with some good food and conversation. Did I say conversation? I'm certain that the word is an inappropriate understatement but I just can't imagine.

At long last my honey was home safe and I was all the better for the wear. I spent the weekend working on my second love.

Saturday, November 10, 2007

OK....Let's Get Real

Well I finally broke down and took the generator out of the back of the Ford. Unfortunately it didn't go into SeaCloud, it went onto a rack at the Discover warehouse. I've not been able to work on the boat for over two weeks now and I'll be lucky it I can spend much time on it before Thanksgiving. So......I'm thinking that all of the bigger projects here happen in the spring.

Friday, November 2, 2007

Their Trick or My Treat

Holloween came and went this year in the blink of an eye around Huntington Harbour. We had very few kids come to our door (like about 5 - 6 groups) and all that did come were teenagers. I was taking it personally until, in speaking with others in other neighborhoods, I learned that very few came to their doors also.

So WasUp Wit Dat?

Next year we need to make it more fun for the kids. Besides.... I can't take more than a couple of days on this amazing sugar high.

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

No rest for the wicked....and I'm wicked

Thursday last week Candy Joanne, Kathie Morley, Sandy Morgan, and Sherry Brash headed off to Lexington, Ky for a weekend long girlfest with Susan Robin. Candy loved it. I'm sure there was some talking and gossip involved. There was also a slumber party in PJs, a trip to the races (she won $50 -Yahoo), and some knick knacking.

I took the time to rip up the boat. Since I have a couple of weeks before we head to the rock for Thanksgiving it seems safe. Since I continue to have trust issues with the holding tank I just took it out. Pretty easy really....just disconnect the hoses and pull it out. Oh is a pretty shitty job though. All in all a really good move because it's now confirmed that there are small holes in the tank at the seams and lots of pitting....most likely caused by electrolysis.

It'll also give me the opportunity to replace the hoses and re bed the pump out deck plate. There was enough moisture under the deck plate that I've left it off for a time to let the deck wood dry.

The cool thing is that the bilge has now been bone dry for 4 - 5 days. I've even painted the part where the bilge pump goes with LP.

What else your ask? I ripped off the acoustic insulation from the forward and aft engine room bulkheads and am replacing with painted marine plywood. Nows the opportunity and I'll need a good surface to mount filters, inverters, and etc. on anyway.

More to come and I also need to figure out how to post pictures. I just know you want to see them.

Almost forgot. The tenant in Genevieves town home gave notice last month and moved out this weekend. While she left the place in very good shape it's still 30+ years old and needs some freshening up if we want to improve Gens income. That project is now getting under way also.

Selling Jason's truck is somewhere in the mix also.

Candy and I are good and we hope you are also. Brandon and Kirsten - we'vve loved your recent posts about the train and soup. Kirsten is such an entertaining writer.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

The Road Less Traveled....just got busier!

Jason, Brandon, and Kirsten are "ON THE ROAD AGAIN" and I thought this might be a good way for Candy and me to keep them up to date on the haps in Cloud Ville.

I have no idea specifically what that means therefore, I'll be just as interested to find out as you.

The suspense is intense!