Saturday, January 5, 2008

2008 Already looking Like a Spectacular Year

On New Years day Mom and I set a course for the Isthmus at Catalina Island to open the new year with a proper perspective.

With hints of NE winds and a couple of significant storm systems bearing down on SoCal we rolled the dice and kept a weather eye. The crossing was flat and punctuated by several long, play sessions, with Dolphin and porpoise. It was great.

Once on the mooring in 4th of July Cove we noted that out of Cherry, 4th, and the Isthmus we were one of 3 boats in all of the coves, and we had 4th all to ourselves. It was awesome.

The temps were defiantly cool at night but not to worries. We simply cranked up our new propane catalytic heater with no flame and therefore no carbon monoxide and the inside was a toasty 70 degrees while the outside was a crispy 54.

We awoke Wednesday morning to crystal clear sky's and temps headed to about 80 degrees for the day. What a great opportunity for an egg scramble ala mimosa. We never miss opportunity. Highlights of the day would be the 5 mi hike followed by a chat with Dave Lewhow (runs the mooring service and Leslie and Julie's dad).

The chat produced about 250' of 9/16" chain and a 45lb CQR anchor that Dave had found on the bottom of some cove. Apparently that's why one wants to make certain that the bitter end of your chain is well fastened to the boat. If purchased retail it would have been about a $2400 package. I'm gonna say that it's about 6 - 800 lbs of weight in the bow and the Sea Cloud could well use the weight forward. More to come on the topic as I evaluate but I do think that she sits and cruises better.

We had planned to return home of Friday but by Thursday morning the talk was of gale force winds, pounding rain, and 10 - 15' seas in the late afternoon sooooooooo we beat a hasty retriet back home.

By the time we arrived near the LB breakwater the weather was still beautiful and the seas totally calm so we decided to anchor at the oil island, hang out, have dinner, then go home. Now here is how I know 2008 will be a spectacular year.

After dropping the anchor and backing down the hook was set good. I then walked to the cockpit only to realize that I had not pulled in the towed Achilles....and the tow line lead right under the stern and to the props. A quick tug on the line proved that it was caught. Ah Sh*^#*#&*#@#T.

58 degree water, a wrapped prop, and gale force wind in the future was not the scenario I had been working on. Luckily I still had on board my shorty (toilet paper thick) wet suit, mask and fins. So I put them on and without hesitation jumped in to get the job done.

The line was draped over both props....but only draped. I lifted it loose and was back out of the water. I felt refreshed, lucky, happy, and totally non hypothermic.

Dinner was great, the conversation was great, the ride home that night was great.

It's gonna be a great year.

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