Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Home Sweet Home

Yes it's true....for Xmas Candy and I agreed to give the gift that keeps on giving.....a kitchen update. It all started innocently enough. Got a quote from Victor to take down the wall paper in the kitchen and service porch and paint the outside of the cabinets.

Well.... then the girlfriends get involved and the topic becomes colors and textures and maybe this or maybe that. But no big deal right? We'll just hang until the plan gets fully hatched and then call Victor for a date to do the deed.

Then the greed factor rears it's ugly head. Yep....just as you though, we had only begun to get into the "We'll just hang" mode when Victor calls up and says something like I don't have any work two days from now and I need to pay my painters so I'll give you a kick ass deal to paint the kitchen if you'll just let me do it.

Well shiver me, I ask you, do you turn down a guy who can make a compelling case like that? After all ...his poor guys.

So it's now Tuesday and we've agreed to start the job on Thursday and It'll take two days to strip the wall paper and prep and paint the walls and outside of the cabinets. Not such a big deal until the OOPS falls out of your pocket. Candy has scheduled a girls night out dinner at our house for Thursday night. Not so bad, Victor is OK with doing the deed Friday Saturday.

So between Tuesday and the Thursday girls night out dinner Candy learns that:
1. The cabinet doors really do need to come off for the paint job to be decent (good thought).
2. You don't just paint over the hinge and expect it to really look good
3. In fact you paint the hinges a different color to really make the whole thing....POP!
4. The inside of the cabinets should be painted so it all really looks updated.
3. Therefore the cabinets A L L must be emptied so they can be painted.
4. While we're at it lets add drawer and door pulls.

Good thing and Mom and I are a CAN DO couple! It did get done.

Even considering that on the Thursday I had a little wrist surgery with Dr. Nick Yaru where he cut out the ganglia that was on my right wrist.

Not quite what I would have expected. Because it was wrapped around the vein where you take someones pulse, it was one of those surgeries with the doc wearing the magnifying binoculars and a turnacut around the arm just in case. I am, of course, completely knocked out.

Long story for a kitchen paint job but I think you catch the drift. We have the technology to keep life interesting. Check out the pictures. The final leg of the journey is to replace the old seeable hinges with no seeums. Therefore the doors are not back up yet.

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